Monday, August 31, 2015

Chapter 1 Digital Badge#A

First, I must say technology is becoming a rapid change in the 21st century. With the new iGeneneration (youngster between 8-18 who use computers. They are highly intelligent when it comes to being  electronically savvy. Based table 1.1 p.7.  I was excited to see how rewarding it can be, when students and teachers use the three primary way to use technology. Inside-the- Classroom by Teachers, Outside-the-classroom world by Teacher and finally Inside-the-Classroom and Outside-the-Classroom by Students.  As a future teacher, I like the idea of technology-based textbook. This would would open up more doors for learning than just the traditional textbook.

Second, I was surprised that teachers can now identify themselves as "digital identity". Meaning the more they know instructionally and professionally they will become more proficient. This video below shows an example of a girl named Molly. It describes how she was born into the digital identity world.

Third, from reading chapter 1, I have learned where technology has taken us from, to where it is and where the future will be going. As shown in figure 1.4 p.16. They are some ways to connect your digital identity as a teacher. Teachers can use computers, social media, digital devices to share words, pictures, audios, videos through blogs, wikis, podcast, image sharing and much more.

In conclusion, there is always room for improving for every teacher. Whether we are already teachers of becoming a future teacher. Educating ourselves with the latest technology will help keep us to become the most proficient teacher int he 21st century.

                                Photo Credit:   Electronic Sublime: Improving the Economy. Technology .


Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.  Table 1.1 p 7 and figure 1.4 p16